The First Generation
Date Owner Player Action
05.10.2022 23:16 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi Allexandru_ Received ClanWarn
05.10.2022 23:16 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi rpg2_annabella Left the clan
05.10.2022 23:04 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul [TFG]MosVladescu Got rank 5
05.10.2022 23:04 [TFG]Adebayor.DauPtPaul [TFG]MosVladescu Joined the clan
05.10.2022 21:35 Stefan_Vlad. Stefan_Vlad. Left the clan
05.10.2022 17:03 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi Visi.FinantzBank Left the clan
05.10.2022 01:44 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi [TFG]Paul.DauPtAdebayor Joined the clan
05.10.2022 01:39 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi [TFG]Paul.DauPtAdebayor Left the clan
04.10.2022 14:35 [TFG]Maxximusss Aubameyang Was kicked out (3 warns)
04.10.2022 14:34 [TFG]Maxximusss rpg2_.xXDeYuXx. Was kicked out (3 warns)
04.10.2022 14:34 [TFG]Maxximusss Daaan. Was kicked out (3 warns)
03.10.2022 19:23 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi MajesTiKftww Got rank 4
03.10.2022 19:23 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi MajesTiKftww Joined the clan
03.10.2022 18:02 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi rpg2_Daniel2Glory Left the clan
03.10.2022 18:02 [TFG]rpg2_Paul.DauPtMaxxi rpg2_TaxiDriver Joined the clan